to Apr 6

Diocesan Ultreya 2025

Get ready for the 2025 Ultreya! We are planning a wonderful Ultreya weekend at Camp McDowell on April 4th-6th. Plan to stay the weekend or just come for the day!

Click here to register for the Diocesan Ultreya.

2025 Diocesan Ultreya Schedule

Friday, April 4
5:00 - Registration Begins
6:00-8:00 Meet and Greet & Registration

Saturday, April 5
9:00 - 10:00 Registration and Mimosa Mingle
10:00 -10:30 Welcome, Invocation, and Music
10:30-11:30 Morning Session
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-3:00 Afternoon Session
3:00-5:30 Break/Free Time set up for Agape
6:00-9:00 Saturday evening - Agape

Sunday, April 6
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-11:30 Morning Session
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch
3:00 Clausura

Questions? Lauren Woolley (205)529-9048

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #236 R&R

  • Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #236 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen’s in Birmingham on April 26th for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

One Day Staff Training

Join us for a one day Staff Training at Holy apostles in Hoover on May 3rd from 9-3.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

Click here to complete the registration form.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information.

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to May 18

Music Workshop

We will host a Music Workshop at Camp McDowell on May 17-18. If you play an instrument or sing, and you would like to find out more about the music of Cursillo and serving on a music staff, join us! The Cursillo Music Workshop is open to anyone who has attended a 3 day Cursillo weekend. Click here to reserve your spot.

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #237 R&R

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #237 are invited to join us at Saint Luke’s in Birmingham on June 21st for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #238 R&R

  • Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #238 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen’s in Birmingham on October 25th for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

One Day Staff Training

Join us for a one day Staff Training at Church of the Ascension in Montgomery on November 9th from 9-3.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

The cost for the training is $10 per person. Please complete the registration form below.

Click here to pay the $10 registration fee. Please note Staff Training in the “memo” section of the payment form.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information. stafftraining@cursilloalabama.org

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #235 R&R

  • All Saint's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #235 are invited to join us at All Saint’s in Birmingham on November 2nd for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #234 R&R

  • All Saint's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #234 are invited to join us at All Saint’s in Birmingham on October 5th for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

One Day Staff Training

Join us for a one day Staff Training at St. John’s in Decatur on July 20th from 9-1:30.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

The cost for the training is $10 per person. Please complete the registration form below.

Click here to pay the $10 registration fee. Please note Staff Training in the “memo” section of the payment form.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information. stafftraining@cursilloalabama.org

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #233 R&R

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #233 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen’s in Birmingham on June 22nd for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #232 R&R

  • Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #232 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen's in Birmingham on May 4th for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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to Apr 21

Diocesan Ultreya 2024


Get ready for the 2024 Ultreya! We are planning a wonderful Ultreya weekend at Camp McDowell on April 20th - 21st. We have it all covered with the combination of Staff Training, Music Workshop, and a PLR (Parish Lay Rector) Workshop. Saturday night we’ll celebrate Cursillo with a fun party including a silent auction. Plan to stay the weekend or just come for the day! The day pass is $20. If you are staying the night, rooms are $140 each, regardless of the number in the room, and meals are $10 each. A more detailed itinerary will be sent after your registration.

Using the form below, let us know if you’ll need lodging, how many meals you’ll need, and if you have any dietary or physical requirements.

Please pay online using the DONATE link on the Cursillo website. Please put Ultreya 2024 in the memo field.

Space for the overnight is limited! Payment guarantees your reservation.

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10:00 AM10:00

Ultreya Staff Training

Join us for Staff Training at Camp McDowell as part of the Diocesan Ultreya 2024 on April 20th from 10-3.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information. about staff training. stafftraining@cursilloalabama.org

Don’t forget to also complete the Ultreya 2024 registration form.

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10:00 AM10:00

Ultreya Music Workshop

We will host a Music Workshop as part of the Diocesan Ultreya 2024 at Camp McDowell on April 20 from 10-3. If you play an instrument or sing, and you would like to find out more about the music of Cursillo and serving on a music staff, join us! The Cursillo Music Workshop is open to anyone who has attended a 3 day Cursillo weekend. Just fill out this form to reserve your spot.

Don’t forget to also complete the Ultreya 2024 registration form!

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #230 R&R

  • Saint Luke's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #230 are invited to join us at Saint Luke’s in Birmingham on November 4th for a time for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #229 R&R

  • Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #229 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen’s in Birmingham on September 30th for a time for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

One Day Staff Training

Join us for a one day Staff Training at Grace Episcopal Church in Cullman on July 15 from 9-1:30.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

The cost for the training is $10 per person. Please complete the registration form below.

Click here to pay the $10 registration fee. Please note Staff Training in the “memo” section of the payment form.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information. stafftraining@cursilloalabama.org

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #228 R&R

  • Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #228 are invited to join us at Saint Stephen’s in Birmingham on June 24th for a time for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #227 R&R

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #227 are invited to join us at All Saint’s in Birmingham on May 6th for a time for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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9:00 AM09:00

Cursillo #226 R&R

  • Episcopal Church of the Ascension (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the first things that happens when you get home from Cursillo is that you start to miss the folks that you met over the weekend. Most of us are looking for the first opportunity to get together to catch up. We have great news! The staff and pilgrims from each Cursillo meet a couple of weeks after their weekend to reunion, learn more about living the 4th day, and find out about all of the resources and opportunities available to the Cursillo community.

All Staff and Pilgrims from Cursillo #226 are invited to join us at The Church of the Ascension in Vestavia on March 11th for a time for a little R&R (Reflection and Retreat).

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to Feb 26

Diocesan Ultreya 2023

The 2023 Ultreya will be held on February 25-26. Activities will begin 10:00 on Saturday morning and continue until 1:00 on Sunday. Please plan to stay for the Clausura for #226 at 3:30. You may register for the overnight or just come for the day on Saturday. Rooms are $140 each, regardless of the number in the room, and meals are $9 each. A more detailed itinerary will be sent after registration.

Using the form below let us know if you’ll need lodging, how many meals you’ll need, and if you have any dietary or physical requirements.

Please pay online using the DONATE link on the Cursillo website. Please put Ultreya in the memo field. Checks payable to Alabama Cursillo may be mailed to:

Alabama Cursillo P.O. Box 2723 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403

Space for the overnight is limited! Payment guarantees your reservation.

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1:30 PM13:30

Music Workshop

  • All Saint's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host a Music Workshop at All Saint’s in Birmingham on January 21 from 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM. If you play an instrument or sing, and you would like to find out more about the music of Cursillo and serving on a music staff, join us! The Cursillo Music Workshop is open to anyone who has attended a 3 day Cursillo weekend. Just fill out this form to reserve your spot.

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9:00 AM09:00

One Day Staff Training

Join us for a one day Staff Training at All Saints in Homewood on January 21 from 9-1:30.

The Staff Training session is open to anyone who has completed a three-day Cursillo Weekend and is interested in serving on a Cursillo staff. There is no limit to the number of staff training workshops you may attend, but you must complete at least one session to be placed on the staff “eligibility” list. During this training you will hear about the mechanics of conducting a Cursillo weekend, the various staff position responsibilities, and the Kairos ministry. Come prepared to have fun while making new friends from around the Diocese.

The cost for the training is $10 per person. Please complete the registration form below.

Click here to pay the $10 registration fee. Please note Staff Training in the “memo” section of the payment form.

Contact Judy Thomason for more information. stafftraining@cursilloalabama.org

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12:00 PM12:00

Parish Lay Rector Leadership Lunch

  • Cursillo in the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling all Parish Lay Rectors!

Please join us at Camp McDowell on October 23 from 12-2 for a leadership luncheon with Justin Stroud, the Parish Lay Rector Coordinator for the Secretariat. Please RSVP below.

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to Oct 23

Diocesan Ultreya

The ULTREYA is back! The 2022 Ultreya will be held October 22-23. Activities will begin 10:00 on Saturday morning and continue until 1:00 on Sunday. Please plan to stay for the Clausura for #225 at 3:30. You may register for the overnight or just come for the day on Saturday. Rooms are $140 each, regardless of the number in the room, and meals are $9 each. A more detailed itinerary will be sent after registration.

Using the form below let us know if you’ll need lodging, how many meals you’ll need, and if you have any dietary or physical requirements.

Please pay online using the DONATE link on the Cursillo website. Please put Ultreya in the memo field. Checks payable to Alabama Cursillo may be mailed to:

Alabama Cursillo P.O. Box 2723 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403

Space for the overnight is limited! Payment guarantees your reservation.

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