Alleluia III is a song book of Christian worship music that includes more than 230 songs representing a great range of praise and worship styles from contemporary Christian music to gospel favorites, popular hymns and Taizé arrangements. The song book is a product of Episcopal Cursillo in the Diocese of Alabama.
Alleluia III song books can now be purchased through Alabama Cursillo. To place your order contact Gayle Ozbirn and she will make arrangements for delivery and shipping.
Gayle Ozbirn 205-572-0060
Alleluia III Pricing
Prices do not include sales tax and shipping.
Perfect Bound: $21.95 each or $20.00 each if purchased by the case (15 per case)
Spiral Bound: $24.95 each or $23.00 each if purchased by the case (13 per case)
Musician’s Notebook: $45.00 each