Susan Fitzgibbon recently passed away after a two-year battle with cancer. Susan and her husband, Tom, attended Cursillo #183 and later served on staff for other Cursillo weekends. Susan wrote this reflection on Peter for the Vivencia, but we were unable to publish it before her death. She described Cursillo as "a wonderful experience - full of joy and intrigue." In her obituary, Susan's family asked that memorials be made to Cursillo in her name.
Susan, this is our memorial to you.
Your Cursillo Family.
Some people believe we need to get ourselves “cleaned up” before we knock on God’s door. This is clearly not the case according to the Bible. I recall the hymn “Just As I Am” that we frequently sang at my childhood church. But, we often feel inadequate to turn to God, and thus we stall and wait. If I reference all the cases in the Bible where the people were not cleaned up when they turned to God, this writing would be very long. Let’s focus on a few great examples. Or let’s just focus on some of the great examples of Peter.
Oh how I love this disciple. He goes off-script. He gets in trouble. He gets reprimanded and addressed at the most critical time, the crucifixion. Yet he is lovable. He is normal—fumbling his way even as he walks side by side with Jesus. Peter is our example that we get “cleaned up” as we walk with Jesus.
Let Jesus show you the way. It takes time. Recall the rooster crowing 3 times to make the point that Peter would deny Jesus three times. And let’s not ever forget the “get thee behind me” reprimand Peter received. And of course, the walking on water incident showed Peter’s weakness and his limited faith.
There are many joyous incidents too. In Mark 16:7 the angel at the empty tomb on Easter morning told Mary to go and tell the disciples, specifically including Peter, that the Lord had risen! And then Peter RAN to the tomb. He also ran from the fishing boat to the beach when Jesus appeared to them and made breakfast for them. There Peter got the chance to exclaim THREE times that he loved the Lord. Peter went on throughout the book of Acts to boldly proclaim the Gospel. He got to know Jesus.
Know this, God meets us where we are, who we are. Thankfully we don’t need to be cleaned up. Like as it was with Peter, Christ died on the cross for our sins while we were still sinners. That’s the beauty of the Gospel. Knock and the door will be opened!
Friends and Cursillistas gathered to share their love for Susan