From The May 2021 Alabama Episcopalian: Cursillo Updates

Cursillo #221 concluded at Camp McDowell on February 23, 2020. Within a month, COVID-19 altered every aspect of our lives. Cursillo would eventually cancel the four remaining weekends in 2020 and all five weekends scheduled for 2021.

Cursillo exists to develop servant-hearted leaders for our parishes and the Episcopal church. The weekend retreats are a critical part of this process because they are the first step in a journey of spiritual growth and connection. When new Episcopalians aren't joining us on the Cursillo journey, our movement risks becoming inward-looking and stale. As a lay-led organization, we take a bottom-up approach to remaining vibrant and connected through reunion and service.

Connect with us at or visit to read stories about how we've maintained connections during The Great Pause.

Reunion Groups Maintain Connection

"The Fourth Day" is a term we use to describe every day following your Cursillo weekend. Cursillistas meet regularly in Reunion Groups to encourage each other in acts of piety, study, and experiencing God's love. These face-to-face meetings help us grow in faith and service.

During the pandemic, many reunion groups adapted to Zoom meetings. Some groups started meeting in outdoor spaces where they can space appropriately. These meetings have proven to be a vital point of connection as many of us struggle with isolation.

Serving Our Parishes And Communities

Serving our parishes and communities helps us maintain perspective during The Great Pause, and there have been numerous opportunities. Some reunion groups have served meals through Community Kitchens and the Community Soup Bowl. Others have visited elderly parishioners for outdoor conversations or to drop off a meal and worked with Sawyerville to support their revised activities. At least one Reunion Group volunteered to help clean up after the recent tornados. Individuals have volunteered to set up for outdoor services. Groups from past Cursillo weekends joined the effort to raise funds to sustain Camp McDowell.

These service opportunities have been a tremendous encouragement over the last year.

How Cursillo Plans To Emerge From The Great Pause

The next Cursillo weekend is scheduled for April 2022. We believe this gives the staff and pilgrims that will participate in that weekend the best opportunity to safely enjoy all of the positive aspects of a Cursillo weekend.

Are you interested in finding out more or attending a Cursillo weekend? Visit to find out more.